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About Us

The Fairfield Township Volunteer Fire Company #1 was established in 1954 and is comprised of 50 volunteers from Fairfield Township and the surrounding area. 


We respond to an average of 110 calls per year, ranging from vehicle accidents to structure fires.  Fairfield Township is 56 square miles that we serve. We have 25 active firefighters. 


  • 7 Members with Firefighter I Certification

  • 2 Members with Firefighter II Certification

  • 5 Members are trained EMT's

  • 1 Member is a trained AEMT

  • 2 Members are trained Paramedics. 

  • Additional members are attaining Basic Level of Vehicle Rescue Certification


We participate in the Pa State Fire Commissioners Participating Departments and in 2024 we will be at the 50% mark of certification for our Firefighters.  Additionally, we attained our Quick Response Service (QRS) certification.  We have two apparatus stocked with the equipment for Basic Life Support (BLS) responses within Fairfield Township for critical patients.  


Members meet once a month, train at least twice a month and participate in monthly maintenance of equipment and fire apparatus


Typically our fundraisers are monthly breakfast brunches, ticket and raffle sales and at least two large fundraisers a year.  We host an annual fund drive.   Our municipality provides partial insurance and workers compensation coverage and some general maintenance services. No tax has been established to assist in fundraising. 


The Fairfield Township Volunteer Fire Company values the support from residents in Fairfield Township and surrounding areas.

The Community Room at Fairfield Township Volunteer Fire Company is
available to the public to rent.

"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.”

Elizabeth Andrew

Our Mission

Our Mission

The Fairfield Township Volunteer Fire Company is dedicated to improving the quality of life for the citizens who live, work, and visit in Fairfield Township, Westmoreland County, PA, by protecting them from the perils of fire and other man-made or natural disasters, as well as medical and related emergencies.


Supported through the community and comprised of 100% volunteers, the Company provides quality firefighting and rescue services by trained and knowledgeable men and women through training, company efficiencies, and fiscal responsibility.

The back of a brown fire jacket with yellow words "Fairfield Twp"

We Need Your Support Today!

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